Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Boston Cold

It is "Boston cold" today. People who have been to Boston know what that means. I had gone to Boston this summer (and boy, was it summer?). It was mid May. We stayed in a hotel close to MIT campus. One of my friends was graduating. I wanted to attend his thesis defense. We woke up early morning. The sunlight looked really bright and warm from our apartment window.Vow! what a day, I thought. It would be great to go for a short nice walk around campus. And so we quickly got ready and stepped out. Well, bright and warm sunlight my foot! It was freezing cold! I cursed the deceptive weather and rushed back in to get my jacket. My friend was cool ... I don't know whether he didnt feel the chill actually or thought he was one of the "cool dudes" who could "handle" rough weather. On my persistence, we went first to a coffee shop closeby before heading anywhere. Other than the chill factor though, it did turn out to be a nice day.
Funny how weather varies across regions. In India, summers is the time when you swear and curse the most. More than the heat it is the frequent power cuts (read thefts) that pain you. Also sometimes the humidity. I find it hilarious sometimes when here in Raleigh the temperature crosses 75-80F and there are heat stroke warnings all over. In Delhi 75-80F is almost spring season and till the time the weather is below 105F, people are happy with mother nature. And this when at least 80-90% of the population does not use Air conditioners for cooling. Only some fans and coolers. Some villages or small towns dont even have electricity, the number maybe really small though today.