Sunday, November 02, 2008

Long time no blog

I recently triumphed over the tyranny of a mammoth like exam. During the sullen and morbid days, my depleted mind was hopelessly confusing regular activity as fun. Those few moments I could grab to watch much of the same old stuff on television, catch a glimpse of the fall colors as I drove to school or even find time to prepare tea seemed like the promises of a free tomorrow.

These perspectives virtually vanished into thin air the moment the D-day was over. Since anything regular was too trivial for my drained self, my mind presented various interesting ideas to toy with. From carving a pumpkin on Halloween, to going for a drive all by myself to watch the fall foliage in Shenandoah National Forest, to assembling a long due 3D puzzle and many others; what I eventually ended up doing however, was dozing off to sleep for 14 hours ghodhe bech ke.

Finally, yes, that's me on the picture. I am singing Tra la la la la and drumming gleefully to glory. I have both white hair and grey hair post the toll. And yes, I need a haircut.:-)!).

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Boston Cold

It is "Boston cold" today. People who have been to Boston know what that means. I had gone to Boston this summer (and boy, was it summer?). It was mid May. We stayed in a hotel close to MIT campus. One of my friends was graduating. I wanted to attend his thesis defense. We woke up early morning. The sunlight looked really bright and warm from our apartment window.Vow! what a day, I thought. It would be great to go for a short nice walk around campus. And so we quickly got ready and stepped out. Well, bright and warm sunlight my foot! It was freezing cold! I cursed the deceptive weather and rushed back in to get my jacket. My friend was cool ... I don't know whether he didnt feel the chill actually or thought he was one of the "cool dudes" who could "handle" rough weather. On my persistence, we went first to a coffee shop closeby before heading anywhere. Other than the chill factor though, it did turn out to be a nice day.
Funny how weather varies across regions. In India, summers is the time when you swear and curse the most. More than the heat it is the frequent power cuts (read thefts) that pain you. Also sometimes the humidity. I find it hilarious sometimes when here in Raleigh the temperature crosses 75-80F and there are heat stroke warnings all over. In Delhi 75-80F is almost spring season and till the time the weather is below 105F, people are happy with mother nature. And this when at least 80-90% of the population does not use Air conditioners for cooling. Only some fans and coolers. Some villages or small towns dont even have electricity, the number maybe really small though today.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Ek Sau Ikyavan

I did not know until now when I logged into Blogger that my last post was my 150th one. So this is the Ek Sau Ikyavan'th. For the Hindi-challenged, it means One hundred fifty one. I remember how as kids we used to get cash envelopes on auspicious occasions with Rs. 11, Rs. 21, Rs. 51 and so on. Many times the extra rupee note was not easy to find, and would be replaced by a One Rupee Sikka (coin). Of course later they started selling envelopes with the one rupee coin stuck on it so every give and take transaction was auspicious. I always used to yearn for that One rupee note however and whenever I got it, it was like finding gold.

Drifting from the above topic, I am just wondering whether Ek Sau Ikyavan could be the name of a movie. It sounds like a nice title. But some fun movie, not like Ab Tak Chhapan. Or it could be a Sabun ki tikiya (cake of soap) like Paanch sau pachpan or a brilliant cricket score. How about a mythological character with One Fifty One heads? Of course that would have to be a villain which a hero with one head (and lots of super natural powers) would have to fight off. Multiple heads only brings two pictures in my mind- Octopus and Ravana. Which makes me wonder why poor Ravana had to have ten heads in the first place? Did he not often have problems with gravity? What if he wanted to shake or nod his heads (or array of heads, whatever you want to call it) while listening to music? Or just wave them side to side in consent? Gosh! He must be bumping his head into stuff all the time!

Well, India would turn Ek Sau Ikyavan some day. I wonder what it would be like to see that India. I do hope to be able to make it on India's Ek Sau Ekth (101) birthday at least. With hopes and wishes for an India of dreams and hoping that it doesn't confuse turning Sixty One with being retired, let's give it a big hand for whatever it has achieved. Looking forward to a bright future.

Happy Independence Month!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Orange purple

The art of being idle while scribbling colorful nonsense.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Those treasure hunts

Car keys and I don’t go together. In fact keys and I don’t go together. I can also add that wallet, and cash and hair bands and safety pins and buttons and umbrellas and all that paraphernalia and I, don't go together. We constantly elude each other. We like to play hide and seek. We have a distant relationship. It is some conspiracy of nature, some joke of God, or some repulsive magnetic field thing. Or wait, maybe it’s simply that my mind only likes to ponder about bigger things, you know? Only meaningful stuff. Like life, and philosophy and all that? What is in a key or wallet or an ATM card or cash after all?

Alright, enough of blah. The truth is that I am absent minded. And I agree. Period. The smaller the object I have to take care of, the more absent my mind is. And that is why I travel light. I always carry the bare minimum stuff, because I know that on my way back, I will forget something! So am I disorganized? No, not at all. Am I not careful? That is not true either. Am I forgetful then? Well, I would not like to call it that way. The thing is that I try to be very organized and careful, while my mind is with me. When it is not there, it's all God’s mercy. Thankfully, God has been merciful enough on this tuchh prani. *Smile*.

Here is something that has often happened with me. I come home with some really important document or key or gadget or anything like that. And of course, my extremely careful self puts that thing in some real safe and logical reasonable place. And then after that (here comes the hitch) my mind forgets about it completely. Now, after a few days or months, the time for fruition comes when that very treasure needs to be retrieved. And the pain begins. Add to that those expectant eyes looking at you with disdain and disbelief while I have to manage with, “No I have not lost it definitely, I know it is very important and so I kept it in some real befitting place. Just give me a few more minutes”. But suddenly life becomes very mysterious (remember hide and seek?). And then as days pass and one fine evening, I am searching for some socks (or something else that is now the treasure being hunted), lo! I find my old treasure (it is accompanied by a small private moment of pride and appreciation on what a fine place I had kept it in).

Like it happened last time when I was on my India trip these very winters. I had taken my winter jacket and was flaunting it around most of the time. Winters are pretty cold in Delhi although they are nothing compared to US. Still 40's to 60's are common during Dec-Jan-Feb. Anyways, so I was wearing the jacket often; when during some unfortunate moment, I realized that a button on the front side had become loose. The when mindful very careful person that I am, (like I told you) I immediately kept it safely at some esteemed place. And then happy and carefree again, (like after discharging your duties well) I went back into indulging in the other trivia of life. Incidentally, the next few days were warmer and I did not have to wear the jacket. Then one day it became very cold again and I took out my jacket. Suddenly, I remembered that the button had come off. Obviously it had to be fixed before I put it on. Or may be not. It depended on the success of the next operation (which is? you are right, the search operation). I started to look around for the button. I looked and looked - in the jacket pockets, handbag pockets, my closet locker, this and that. But did I find it? NO.

Anyways, I managed the winter there with some other jackets, shawls, pullovers (sometimes even this jacket trying hard to hide the flaw). I knew however, that I was going to take this jacket back to US because it was really a warm one. So, with many more search operations (private ones while faking to look for something else) and no success, I reluctantly bought a whole new set of buttons and got them stitched onto the jacket. Reluctant because the older buttons were really fashionable and went very well with it and I did not find any new ones up to the mark. I eventually settled my mind for the compromise solution of the newly sewed boring yet useful buttons and decided to forget about everything.

Time flew and no sooner I was back home after a great trip. After a few hours of a little chit chat and retrospection on the trip, I began to unpack. Now guess what happened? You are right. I found that button. Where did I find it? you would ask. Well, remember I talked about searching in the handbag? So it was in the handbag and I did not check it well? again you would ask. Err … not exactly. You see, in a way it was in the handbag but in a way it was not. Kind of like Hai bhi aur nahin bhi hai (I am suddenly reminded of the scene in the Bollywood movie Chupke Chupke, where Amitabh is trying to tell Jaya how Corolla is a flower and yet it is not; something like that... that movie is my all time favorite by the way). Alright, let me unravel the mystery quick. So, it was inside that handbag, but it was inside a small purse inside the handbag (kinda small pouch where I keep most of my important stuff like, home keys, some jewelry, important receipts and all that). So, when I searched, I searched in the main big handbag, but not in the bag inside the bag. You see? Logical? (these are of course rhetorical questions, not meant to be answered).

So now, I have the old jacket with the new buttons sewed onto it and the old buttons all safely tucked in some safe place. And umm … do I know where? Err … I 'll have to check with my mind and get back to you on that.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Her cubicle is in a private cozy corner of the department. It has a wide window on one side that lets in abundant sunlight during the day. Her PC is a combination of a sleek looking, Pentium 4, 1GB RAM box, a regular keyboard and a flickering monitor. The mouse is not wireless but the effort to create an illusion of such, by reducing the wire length drastically is worth a mention- never mind the restricted mobility. Her desk is pretty much empty of any docs or books as she prefers to keep them with her all the time. It is sometimes important to know that you have the freedom to read everything possible on earth even though you really never will.

There is a bottle of VASA mineral water on her table that is filled with water from the cooler every day. Since the water is too cold for her, she microwaves some of it and mixes it back with the remaining in the bottle to make it drink-worthy. The AC vent right above her head is the only hitch in her pleasant work life. She is still an Indian thermodynamically and even the five cold winters in the US has not made her any more immune to cold. Her most comfortable room temperature is from 75-85F. Anything below that makes her shiver. An old sweater resting on the back of her chair provides the comfort she needs.

Not all of them come to office everyday, it is more or less a quiet workplace. Other than the familiar hum of typing keys, occasional footsteps and phone rings, the coffee maker at the desk of her near neighbor from middle east is the only music she hears all day. This one in particular while brewing coffee sounds much like someone smoking a Hookah (tobacco pipe). While she was still new at this office, this sound had intrigued her for sometime. Until one day she decided to take a good scan of the workplaces of her colleagues to unearth the mystery.

Life is good with intermittent lunch-time and otherwise unplanned- some finite and other infinite chats with colleagues. Chinese Orange flavored White tea in hot water and sugar cubes add to the zing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Jeans

I bought a jeans for myself during the thanksgiving sale last year. Fortunately or unfortunately it fitted me well except that it was too long. Well, just to clarify, the fortune here is about being able to find a jeans of my size. Otherwise I tend to bank on my India trips to build up the pile for my jeans and trousers. There in the mall when I actually found something that fit me so well, the fact that there was a length problem seemed too minuscule to come in the way of buying it. Happy and chirpy I came back home and had a long look at it. I was very excited. This was my second treasure hunt in the past 4 years here where I actually dug gold.

It being close to the end of semester, I was too busy bothering about getting it altered immediately. So I waited for the winter vacation. Winter vacation came and went and my lazy self never got "the work" done. January, the new semester began. And then I started freaking out a little. Every time I would plan to get it altered something would come in the way and it would get postponed. There were too many variables. The algorithm went like this:
Boolean Muhoorat=FALSE; Int Freaking-out=50;

If (Jeans-present==TRUE) AND (Memory-in-place==TRUE) AND (Available-time==TRUE) AND (No-travel-plans==TRUE) AND (Shop-timings-right==TRUE)

Often one of these culprits would turn out to be FALSE and my head would get hotter. Later I tried to fix things a little by keeping the Jeans and its alteration measurements in a bag inside my car, so that it was in an ever-ready state. Somehow with time the priority of this task became so high that all except shop timings part got fixed. I had shortlisted a shop for this but the last couple of times I ended up going at the wrong times and found it to be closed.

Then one fine day, it happened. It was a Tuesday, I was going home around 5:30pm, the shop was open until 6pm I remembered, I had the jeans in my car, my wallet with me. Everything seemed right. I parked my car and walked up to the shop. I checked my watch and the timings on the door. It was 5:50pm and the shop was open until 6. But as I tried to enter the door would not open. It was a glass door and I tried to take a peek inside. The lights were on, the fan was running, and there was a lineup of clothes on the table. It seemed like someone was definitely inside working on the stuff. As I peeked further, I saw a door inside the shop that seemed like an entrance to another room, the light of which was also on. So I decided to knock (yes, even though the door was locked. I wanted to be a true Indian that day). A minute passed and nobody appeared. I started knocking harder (Yeah, believe that!). "Come on, I had to make it happen today", I thought.

A bald Asian guy came out from the inner room and gave a perplexed look. Then he made a gesture with his hand that clearly said We are not open. I did not want to give up. I gestured to the wall clock and then my watch trying to indicate that there were still 5-10 minutes. He gave one hard look at me and then came up to the door and opened it. My heart rejoiced but quickly skipped a beat noticing that he stood at the door barring the entrance. At the first opportunity I went on blabbering about how there were still 5 minutes and it would be great if he could let me in and give this jeans for "just" length shortening etc. Initially he seemed confused and looked at the clock but then gathering himself back, he said, "Ma'am, we are closed. It is a Monday today".

Those last words struck me hard like iron. Monday? How could it be Monday today? I had worked yesterday also and ... Well, after a big pause when finally my cluttered mind "got it", the lighter side of me took over and I began laughing at myself. This whole episode had taken such a toll on me that I had almost gotten crazy. Finally the Muhoorat did arrive and the auspicious happened the very next day itself (from the same shop, yes I went there again).

I have been wearing that jeans pretty often since then and I love it. I did resolve however never to go for the alteration option again given my task execution abilities.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

School bus

Everyday, I drive to the university parking lot and catch a school bus from there to my department. Mostly I am carrying a school bag with all my notebooks etc, my cellphone, my wallet and my keys(a single bunch for all possible doors - yes, a single point of failure, I know). Also, during the days it's really warm, I have a bottle of water with me.

As Murphy's law goes, the bus never turns up on time. Either I have just missed it or it is late. Btw I am a punctual person and have a zero-fail track record of being at places at the right time. Same for this one. To make things efficient I even have a log on my cellphone to record the timings of the bus arrival every single day. The subsequent data analysis has been in vain with the following conclusion- The bus arrives at any time despite the scheduled timings. So in my case, the worst case delay possible if I just missed the bus is 20 minutes, and even more if I missed the previous bus and the next one is late. But I have made my peace with it.

This incident is from around a few days back. I was waiting at the bus stop. I had already parked my car. There were others too waiting at the stop for the same bus (nice supportive feeling). Things seemed right. As I reached out to grab my phone from my pocket I suddenly realized that I had left it in the car. I have a habit of keeping my phone plugged in to the charger whenever I am driving. I made a quick reluctant dash to my car hoping and praying that the bus be delayed. But in a hurry I left my bag at the stop. Luckily my car wasn't parked too far and within a minute I had my cellphone in my hand. Starting to run back as I turned my head around now I realized it was time to be Muhammad Ali -I saw the bus speeding into the parking area. I ran waving my hands hard, trying to make all possible gestures to catch the driver's attention. The bus came, stopped and then started moving. I kept making gestures while frantically running towards the bus. Finally the driver saw me and although the bus had moved past the designated stop, it slowed down to a halt. I felt so happy and lucky and ran towards it.

It was then that I remembered that my bag was still at the stop, which was now behind the bus. So here's the funniest scene of the century- I am hurrying towards the bus with my hand-waving and all, the driver patiently waiting for me, and then I run past the bus! There is utter confusion on the driver's face and the bus starts moving again. And there I am grabbing my bag and running after the bus again hysterically yelling to stop. The bus finally stops again. The door opens. I board the bus catching my breath while trying to give out a beaming smile. The driver gets it and is laughing. I say "Thank you" with a lot of gratitude on my face and he smiles back, nodding his head in acknowledgment and then finally comments, "I am sorry, I had NO idea what the heck you were trying to do!"