Wednesday, August 31, 2005

From the world leader in Procrastination

I had a homework due for tomorrow and had planned it for today evening. After a long nap (there arent just naps, there are short ones and long ones) in the evening today I was cribbing, "Oh I have to start this homework". And since my process of starting a homework (or any study-work) always begins with checking mails, reading blogs, making masala chai (sometimes this includes watching couple of Friends episodes, and believe me they often go beyond just two) to set me in the mood, thats what I did. Happily though my mail had a nice surprise - a message from our prof that the homework has been postponed indefinitely. Since, then I have been rejoicing on that act of God. I thought, God sees the truth but waits and I dont mind being patient; still its heavenly, when He does it instantly.

I remember those times, in school days when light would go off while studying in the night, and I would then give all excuses to my mom about how candle light was straining my eyes or how buying that emergency light was not a good idea. Till that time inverters werent very popular. Later on, when they flooded the market and then homes, I hated them to the core! But I made sure I never bought a UPS for my computer! It was easy to convince my computerati-oblivious sweet innocent parents that it was just not required. I also remember being so excited about announcements of sudden holidays in school or when some tests got cancelled or postponed. 'Cancel' is a healing word!

And many things like that!